Many conservatives justify the ongoing Iraq War by comparing it to World War 2. Their argument is that, if Hitler had been stopped in the 30's rather than being appeased, World War 2 might have been prevented.
So, the conservatives believe that, in 2003, Saddam Hussein was equivalent to Hitler in the 30's. If the U.S. had not acted in 2003 to unseat Saddam Hussein, then Saddam could have become a Hitler-sized danger to the U.S. and the rest of the world.
Like Hitler, like Saddam!! Like Germany, like Iraq!! Or so the logic of the conservatives goes.
Hence, the Iraq War which has been raging longer than the U.S. was in World War 2.
Summary: Saddam Hussein vs. Hitler. The above comparison equilibrating the threat of Saddam Hussein to the threat of Hitler is pure baloney in my opinion. In comparison to the great Satan, Hitler, Saddam Hussein was the great clown.
Even if you throw in Osama Bin Laden into the mix with Saddam, you don't have the threat of a Hitler. Although both Saddam and Osama are (were) bad dudes, neither Saddam nor Osama deserve the attention they have been given. The mad genius, Hitler, who was responsible for the death of 50,000,000 people, deserved every bit of the attention he received.
Germany & Iraq Comparison. And to compare the Iraq of 2003 with the Germany of the late 30's...Germany was one of the most advanced nations, technologically speaking, on the face of the earth. Iraq, while ahead of most third world nations, was not a technologically advanced nation. Motivation for war in Iraq was low in 2003 while Hitler's Germany was teeming with resentment over Germany's treatment after World War 1.
Population-wise, Germany had a population of 70,000,000 highly-educated, united people behind him while Iraq had a total population of only 25,000,000 and that population was relatively poorly educated and badly divided by religion.
And they compare Germany and Iraq!!
In the next post, I will cover the military elements of Germany compared to Iraq. Was Hitler a great military leader? Saddam was not!