Question 5: Was Adolf Hitler a Sexual Pervert?
Answer: During World War 2, the Allies started many rumors about Hitler for propaganda purposes. For example, when France surrendered, Hitler was shown over and over in the newsreels as apparently dancing a jig. After the war, the truth was released. The "jig" was actually the result of some fancy photo shop work by clever Allied intelligence.
Other rumors circulated about Hitler was that he had only one testicle (this was apparently supposed to prove that Hitler was not normal and, possibly, explain why he was so mad at the world) and also that Hitler was a sexual pervert.
Again, after the war, Hitler's doctors reported that Hitler had two testicles so he was not abnormal in that sense. Also, those persons closest to Hitler and to Eva Braun, Hitler's mistress and wife of one day, reported that Hitler's sex life was perfectly normal. Indeed, Hitler's sex life was so normal, it would be considered boring by today's standards.
Many German beauties (and some British and American women), threw themselves at Hitler and he could have had almost any women he wanted. Instead, he seemed to prefer "typical" German women such as the plain Eva Braun whom he seemed to genuinely care for.
Eva was his mistress for many years, but Hitler kept the affair from the German people because he did not want to upset their sensibilities (how conventional can you get?). When Hitler had big-wig visitors who did not know about his relationship with Eva, Eva was banned from the social gatherings. She often spent these "banned" periods talking with Albert Speer, a close associate of Hitler's, who had a genuine liking for her. When Hitler's inner circle had a social gathering, the ban was not in effect because they all knew about Eva. Eva could then join the close friends which often included Speer.
A possible evidence of perversion with Hitler was the Rebata Mueller incident. She claimed that while visiting Hitler at the Chancellery, he threw himself on the floor and begged her to kick him and inflict pain. The truth about this alleged event will probably never be known since Ms. Mueller apparently committed suicide shortly after the event was supposed to have taken place. (Her sister denied that Ms. Mueller committed suicide inferring that she was murdered.)
Hitler summed up his love life best when he told someone that he had had many disappointments in his love affairs. It appears that even when his love affairs were consummated, they were about as exciting as the love life of Ma and Pa Kettle.
Hitler was into power and not sex!