Saturday, June 30, 2007

Was Hitler a Great Leader? - List of Successes & Failures

World War 2 Question No. 10: Was Hitler a Great Leader?

Answer. Hitler possessed many powerful leadership skills that won victories for Germany, but he often blundered into making military mistakes. Also, it must always be remembered that he was personally responsible for the death of tens of millions of people. It is difficult to call someone a great leader who causes such devastation among the nations of the world.

No question who the number one leader of Nazi Germany was! Hitler (Der Fuehrer) was the leader! He was a fearless fanatic with charisma. He was a gambler and was fond of relying on boldness and bluff. Although, he had only been a corporal during World War 1, he had a better feel for strategic situations than many of his highly educated generals. And he could act decisively when decisiveness was needed. On the other hand, he would often waffle in critical situations and great opportunities would slip away. Hitler's major strong points were:

  1. Hitler had the ability to assemble and control a group of talented and ruthless individuals - Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, Bormann, and Speer - for his top echelon. These men were the leaders of Germany during World War 2.

  2. Hitler successfully used bullying and bluffing techniques to seize Austria and Czechoslovakia without a fight.

  3. Hitler successfully adopted innovative Blitzkrieg techniques, utilizing Germany's highly mobile Panzer divisions, to quickly overcome Poland, France, and other Western European countries. More conventional leaders would have used conventional trench warfare techniques and a World War 1 type stalemate might have occurred.

Hitler also had his share of failures as the top German leader:

  1. Failure to immediately invade Britain after Dunkirk. Many experts question whether this was a failure. See World War 2 Question 1 (earlier post) or World War 2 Battles.

  2. Decision to attack Russia before finishing off Britain. This left Britain, led by a determined Churchill, as a thorn in his backside.

  3. Holding back on all-out war production after the war started. He began the war with a substantial lead in armaments but let the armaments production slip apparently because he didn't want to tell the German people that sacrifices would be needed. (Yes, even Adolf Hitler worried about public opinion.) The problem was so bad that Britain was actually producing more aircraft than Germany during the Battle of Britain. This problem was corrected in the later years of the war largely through Albert Speer's efforts but, by then, it was too late.

  4. Misjudging the strength of the Russians. He almost got away with this one as Stalin, for some time, refused to believe that Hitler was actually attacking him. When Stalin finally unleashed his forces, several Russian armies and much of the Russian air force had already been destroyed. When given the go-ahead, the Russians fought back fiercely, and incredibly, were able to move their war plants out of the German army's path.

  5. Poor strategy in Russia. Hitler continually split his attacking forces - one column toward Moscow, a second toward the Caucasus, and a third toward Leningrad - instead of concentrating on what should have been the main target, i.e., Moscow.

  6. Flittering away resources on "secret weapons," e.g., death rays, long-ramge bombers, etc, instead of concentrating on more conventional weapons. For example, with more fighter planes, he might have kept air supremacy over Russia and also might have neutralized the American and British bomber raids over Germany.

  7. Unnecessary campaign against the Jews. During World War 1, German Jews fought bravely for Germany. Hitler should have know this because he was in the trenches with them. Had the Jewish men been available for service, manpower shortages would have been partly alleviated. Also, the many scientific minds, e.g., Einstein, that were lost to the German war effort were irreplaceable.

  8. Failure to better mobilize German women into the war effort as was done in Russia, England and the United States (Rosie, the riveter!). This would have also helped alleviate the manpower problem since male workers who could have been replaced would have been available for military service.


Anonymous said...

Well you have to admit that he took a broken and direction less Germany and turned it into a powerful nation. He did have some good ideas which he pulled off. Had he not taken Germany down the path of war he may well of gone down in history as a great leader. Some of his ideas on labour movements during the depression were used by other countries.
However he chose the path of war and caused much pain and suffering, but so did Genghis Kahn,
Alexander the great and Rome's Caesar s.
I find it strange that we call old time warmongers great and modern one's horrible because of our personal preferences. The writers of history sometimes seem so fickle.

Anonymous said...

yea i agree with this guy!!! people these days r so biased. I think hitler was the greatest leader ever!!!

Anonymous said...

I Love Hitler!

Layman's Blog said...

If Alexander, Napolean, Genghis Khan, Julius Ceaser were great, then why not Hitler! As a student of History, i found Hitler was a great leader who made Germany a powerful country out of the ruins of World War I. But becoz of the Western Historians (US & British) propaganda, Hitler was defamed as an Evil! It was Victor's Justice / History!!! :(

TrevorWinkleman said...

Yes i agree with is persons opinion. Adolf Hitler was a amazing leader. We had a great debate in my classroom weither Hitler was a great leader or not. And of course I came on top. We came to a conclusion that hew was a great leader yet a very bad person. He was a very good at making intelligent and ruthless strategies. He was just a very amazing person to me i admire his leadership.

Aryan Sharma said...

Hitler was a great leader an btw everybody knows Jews tend to exaggerate and the holocaust is extremely exaggerated and Hitler wwas agreat leader my country would be better off led by Hitler. SIEG HEIL

Anonymous said...

A bunch of comments on this page by people who think they know it all after discussing WWII for a couple of hours.

Hitler was a great leader and a brilliant tactician. But that's all the good he had. The rest was pure unadulterated evil. Previous 'conquerors' are not comparable because they have limited knowledge of science and the world. They believed it was flat!

Hitler had the full support of modern technology and knew what he was doing when he entered War. He knew what genocide means, yet he practised it on Jews as the scape-goats of Nazism. He knew what a Nero decree would do to post-war Germany but still ordered it.

Whoever supports Hitler for his actions should get an education or appropriately label his/her comments as 'layman' so that others will realise that a layman is someone who knows jack about anything.

Anonymous said...

hitler Was the greatest leader and only fault is to lost the War What happen to est europe after War thei sufer at the hand of comunism and like he said they are a superior race they prove from a contry in ruin to become one of the best economi in the World the french are proud of napoleon but are very similar beteWen them like hitler napoleon try to concore the World and When he Was exile you could even mention his name Whithout getting in trouble but When he return the army sent to arest him join him instead the problem is the War is stil fresh in people mind but another generation gona have another vieW and proably gonna Write history again to many people are afraid to make them opinion for fear of by call nazi yes he kill milions but So did britihS french romanS mongol autro hungar and our day ruSSian american only contry to uSe atomic bomb and not one but tWo and nobody talk about crime they comit and go all over the World to ocupaid and influence no becose are to poWerfull but if they become Wick lot of contry change side all i Want is to condemn all of them or praise them all for achivment from corporal to become lider of germany

Anonymous said...

If Alexander, Napolean, Genghis Khan, Julius Ceaser were great, then why not Hitler! As a student of History, i found Hitler was a great leader who made Germany a powerful country out of the ruins of World War I. But becoz of the Western Historians (US & British) propaganda, Hitler was defamed as an Evil! It was Victor's Justice / History!!! :(

Your onto something there I hate the way both US and Britain has just said "Hitlers bad". I tell you one thing Hitler was kind to animals and enforced laws against animal cruelty. "the french are proud of napoleon" ha ha to the French sorry to dissapoint you but Napolean wasn't even French he was from Corsica so he was a Italian.

Anonymous said...

Great? Hardly. He was doubtless charismatic and was able to take advantage of some unique opportunities, but his short-sightedness and obstinacy more than tip the scales towards the direction of a poor leader. The current trend seems to be to grant Hitler some mythological status. His rise to power was basically his exploitation of the poor German economy and his ability to violate the Treaty of Versailles without incurring the wrath of the allies (who were themselves economically strapped as well). If you want a modern-day counterpart, liken him more to Saddam Hussein.

Anonymous said...

Hitler was a great leader but he was an evil bastard. If he didnt have the whole superiorty complex he could have led germany to prosperity but also without him we wouldnt of gone to the moon or developed nuclear power.