Tuesday, July 31, 2007

World War 2 Compared to Iraq War - German Military Compared to Iraq Military

World War 2 Questions - Iraq War vs. World War 2 (continued)
Comparing Iraq and Germany Military Leadership.

In comparing the military leadership qualities of Saddam Hussein with those of Hitler, I use the old sports expression: "Saddam Hussein was not fit to carry Hitler's jock strap"

Hitler was not only a political genius (evil genius) who very nearly conquered all of Europe, he often had good military sense. Although Hitler was only an enlisted soldier in World War 1, he was a good observer and often had a better sense of strategy than did his more formally trained generals. Some very innovative military ideas, e.g., blitzkrieg and use of air power to support ground troops were largely developed by or approved by Hitler and his staff. No one exceeded Hitler in the ability to conduct psychological warfare.

Hitler had some fine generals on his staff. Three German generals - Guderian, Rommel, and Von Manstein - rank with the greatest generals ever to lead troops. And the German soldiers were excellent. Also, Hitler had some brilliant civilian leaders - Goering, Goebbels, Speer, Borman, and Himmler - under him (They were also ruthless leaders!!)

And what about Saddam and the Iraq military. I think General Schwarzkopf described Saddam best: Hussein, he said " is neither a strategist nor is he schooled in the operational art, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general. A ringing indictment from a great general!

If Charley Chaplin, who did a great job playing Hitler in The Little Dictator, were alive and still acting, he would be ashamed to play the role of such a small-timer as Saddam Hussein.

Saddam was no budding Hitler!

When it came to the Iraq military units, except for the Republican Guard divisions and other special units, the Iraq soldiers did not seem too interested in fighting. The Iraq units were badly outgunned by their American opponents and it would have been virtually suicide for them to try to put up a fight.

The Iraq army had a large force of tanks but they were sitting ducks for the U.S. Air Force which went unchallenged by the pitiful Iraq Air Force.

The Germans, on the other hand, had mastered the ability to use tanks when World War 2 came and the tanks won many battles for them.

Who Dares Compare the Iraq War With World War 2.

It is clear to me that those who compare the Iraq War with World War 2 are either poorly informed or are blowing smoke up the skirts of anyone naive enough to be listening to them.

However, please be assured that there is an ulterior motive for spreading the nonsense that the Iraq War is equivalent to World War 2 or that Saddam Hussein was, in any way, comparable to the mad genius, Adolf Hitler. The people spreading this nonsense have their agenda!