Monday, August 22, 2011

An American Holocaust - Are You Ready?

A few years ago, I would have laughed at the Question: "Can a Holocaust occur in the U.S.?" I don't laugh at such questions anymore....Not since the Tea Party came into existence!.....not since Sarah Palin became an American Idol!....And certainly not since the American public twice elected George Bush president (for several years, I mistakenly believed both elections were stolen....that would have been better)!

But no, the Bush elections were apparently honest elections and the naive American public actually embraced the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and George Bush (not to mention Rush Limbaugh).

How far this country has fallen. The Chinese are laughing at us as they whiz by while making comments like "You Americans eat too many hamburgers." The oil-rich Arabs are also laughing at us while buying up for peanuts the infrastructure of our near-bankrupt states and cities.

Let's face it...This is not America's finest generation. Can a Holocaust event occur with this generation? The answer is yes although I can't picture an actual physical roundup of undesirables as occurred with Jews in World War 2 Germany. Certainly, there won't a roundup of African-Americans who might be considered by some as one of the obvious targets. They are simply too street-smart to allow such an event to happen. And the extreme right-wingers who are the villains in this piece are not looking for a fight....they are too cowardly for that! In World War 2, Hitler and the Nazi were not gutless and the Jewish people were not street-smart. So Hitler and his gang of toughs had an easy path for their Holocaust.

No, an American Holocaust of the present time would likely be an attack by the upper economic classes on the lower economic classes, on liberals of all economic classes, and on all pro-government entities. Of course, the upper economic classes (upper 5 - 10 % of the population) would be assisted by large numbers of the middle and lower classes who are simple-mined enough to do anything to be on what they perceive to be the winning side.

An American Holocaust of the present time would likely seek to virtually destroy the existing economic system so that our part-socialist, part-capitalist system could be replaced by a pure capitalistic system controlled 100% by extreme conservatives. Social security, medicare and individual rights would largely be out the window.

Are you ready for an American Holocaust?


Diann Kirby said...

I just happened to fall on to your blog after googling the question, "how did goebbels die?", and I noticed your latest post about a possible American Holocaust. I believe that a GLOBAL holocaust is inevitable, in a time frame no later than 100 years. With technology advancing at such a feverish pace, and having a new enemy in Islam, it is only a matter of time. We survived the Cold War a few decades ago because each opposing combatants had a genuine fear of blowing each other up. Our new adversary has a religion that encourages and rewards self destruction, as well as the destruction of all who are "non believers". It is just a matter of time until technology will discover a way to strap a nuclear device to a few of these barbarians, and detonate it in their absurd quest to please their mythical god.

Your blog posts are very interesting and informative.

Robert said...

Gosh what rubbish Islam is not the problem it's idiots like Bush and Blair